We have found FREE MONEY for homeowners saving them money upfront and over the long term.

Solar Energy

FREE MONEY is available through Rebates, through the reduction or elimination of your electric bill, through Tax Incentives, and by selling excess electricity back to the Power Company.

Installing solar panels on your home in California offers numerous benefits, which are driven by the state's favorable climate, energy policies, and economic incentives.

Following are some of the benefits:

Benefits of Going Solar

Residential solar panels are more affordable than ever, especially with the extension of the federal residential solar tax credit. Taxpayers can claim a 30% tax credit on the cost of solar systems on their income taxes.

Benefit #1: Lower Electric Bills!

Solar energy can significantly reduce or even eliminate your electricity bills, depending on the size of your solar system and your energy usage.

Benefit #2: Energy Independence!

Electricity, generated from solar panels, make you less reliant on utility companies and less susceptible to fluctuations in energy prices.

Benefit #3: Energy Resiliency!

Produce, store and use power when needed. Battery storage combined with solar panels provide peak savings and backup during power outages.

Benefit #4: Financial Incentives!

Financial incentives such as tax credits, rebates, and net metering programs are available to encourage the adoption of solar energy.

Benefit #5: Renewable Energy!

Solar energy is abundant, sustainable, renewable and will never run out. It also reduces reliance on fossil fuels, helping to combat climate change.

Benefit #5: Increased Property Value!

Studies have shown that homes with solar panels typically have higher property values and sell faster than non-solar homes.

Energy from the sun is free, why not use it?

We offer the very best roofing, solar energy, and battery storage solutions in your area.