Pure Powr Pros™ Partner


Photo courtesy of San Diego Gas & Electric


If you’re an SDGE™ customer and rely on medical devices critical to your health, we can help you get the proper system at a fraction of the cost. Just give us a call at any of the number on the top and bottom of this page, or use our Contact form.

Photo courtesy of San Diego Gas & Electric

SDGE™ (San Diego Gas & Electric) is aware of the difficulties faced by those requiring medical in-home care and developed a way to address them.

Suppose you are a residential customer and depend on devices such as an electric wheelchair, a pacemaker, or a sleep apnea machine. In that case, the Medical Baseline Program offers additional energy at the lowest price. This can help you save money and keep you safe.

Find out if you or someone else living in your household is eligible to participate in the Medical Baseline Program offered by SDGE™. Just call any of the numbers at the top or bottom of this page. You can also use our Contact form.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • SDG&E is a regulated public utility that serves the energy needs of 3.7 million people in San Diego and Southern Orange counties through its 1.5 million electric meters and 900,000 natural gas meters. Its service area encompasses 4,100 square miles.

    When customers sign up with SDG&E, they help minimize the carbon footprint associated with their electrical service and help promote the expansion of local renewable projects. They help strengthen local control over the decisions made regarding electricity procurement.

  • SDG&E only provides financial solar energy incentives to some of its residential customers. However, low-income households in the service territory of SDG&E may be eligible for one of two rebate programs offered by the California Solar Initiative. These programs are called the Single-Family Affordable Solar Housing (SASH) and Multi-Family Affordable Solar Housing (MASH) programs.

  • The Medical Baseline Program of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is an assistance program for residential customers with unique energy needs due to qualifying medical conditions. These customers are eligible for the program if they meet certain requirements. The only consideration is the patient’s medical history, and there is no minimum income requirement.

  • The term “Baseline Allowance” refers to the portion of a customer’s monthly allotment of energy that is charged at the tariff’s cheapest possible rate. This portion is given to every residential customer.

    Customers who are qualified for the Medical Baseline program are entitled to receive a monthly increase in their allotment of energy and/or natural gas. This helps ensure that the customer has access to a greater quantity of energy at a cheaper cost to support the operation of medical devices.

  • Depending on the customer’s energy needs, which a medical practitioner verifies during certification, the Medical Baseline Program provides an additional allotment of energy of approximately 500 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity and/or 25 therms of gas per month. This additional allotment of energy is part of the Medical Baseline Program.

    You must be aware that to accept your application to the Medical Baseline Program, you must keep paying your regular SDG&E account. Your utility services may be disconnected if you fail to make a payment when they are due.

  • To be eligible, a full-time resident of your household must either have a qualifying medical condition or need a qualifying medical device to address continuing medical issues.

    Any medical gadget that is utilized to maintain life or that is used for mobility can be considered a qualifying medical device. The following are some instances of medical conditions or equipment that qualify for exemption:

    • Paraplegic, hemiplegic, or quadriplegic condition

    • Multiple sclerosis with special heating and/or cooling needs

    • Scleroderma with special heating needs

    • Life-threatening illness, compromised immune system, or other condition that requires special heating and/or cooling

    • Asthma and/or sleep apnea

    • Motorized wheelchair/scooter

    • IPPB or CPAP machines

    • Respirator (all types)

    • Hemodialysis machine

    • Dialysis machine

    • Iron lungs

    • Nebulizer