Pure Powr Pros™ Partner


We’ve partnered with PG&E to begin a new initiative that supports people needing energy for life threatening medical needs.

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Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is committed to supporting customers that are the most vulnerable to the hardships of power disconnection in preparing for, enduring, and recovering from power outages intended to reduce the risk of wildfires.

They understand that these power outages have made it difficult for those who depend on medical devices that have to be on 24/7.

Selected customers of PG&E Medical should be prepared for an outreach phone call, during which PG&E will verify that you are in a fire area and that you have medical devices. This will help to ensure that you are included in the evaluation for their Medical Baseline program.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • PG&E is committed to being an industry pioneer in environmental protection. They make an effort, through their actions, to demonstrate this dedication. PG&E has committed to thinking creatively and working toward increasing the use of clean and renewable energy, reducing the business’s environmental impact, and protecting sensitive habitats and species. They also work locally to assist their customers in making more efficient use of energy.

  • The Self-Generation Incentive Program, often known as SGIP, offers clients a cash rebate that allows them wider access to battery storage. At this time, the rebate can cover up to 100% of your battery system. Any PG&E customer in the fire area with an approved medical condition is eligible to apply for this program.

    The requirements of various individuals can vary greatly. PG&E provides customers with several energy-saving plans, rate schemes, and incentives tailored to their needs.

  • The Medical Baseline Program of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is a financial assistance program for residential customers who have unique energy needs due to qualifying medical conditions.

    These customers are eligible for the program if they meet certain requirements. The only consideration is the patient’s medical history, and there is no minimum income requirement.

  • The term “Baseline Allowance” refers to the portion of a customer’s monthly allotment of energy that is charged at the tariff’s cheapest possible rate. This portion is given to every residential customer.

    Customers who are qualified for the Medical Baseline program are entitled to receive a monthly increase in their allotment of energy and/or natural gas. This helps ensure that the customer has access to a greater quantity of energy at a cheaper cost to support the operation of medical devices.

  • The Medical Baseline Allowance is not a discount or rebate, contrary to popular belief.

    Every PG&E customer is provided with a monthly energy allocation charge at the most affordable cost possible for their rate.

    The term for this provision is the Baseline Allowance.

    Customers who are qualified for the Medical Baseline program are entitled to receive an increased monthly allocation of gas and/or electricity. As a result, this helps to ensure that a greater quantity of energy capable of supporting qualifying medical devices is accessible at a reduced cost.

  • To be eligible, a full-time resident of your household must either have a qualifying medical condition or need a qualifying medical device to address continuing medical issues.

    Any medical gadget that is utilized to maintain life or that is used for mobility can be considered a qualifying medical device. The following are some instances of medical conditions or equipment that qualify for exemption:

    • Paraplegic, hemiplegic, or quadriplegic condition

    • Multiple sclerosis with special heating and/or cooling needs

    • Scleroderma with special heating needs

    • Life-threatening illness, compromised immune system, or other condition that requires special heating and/or cooling

    • Asthma and/or sleep apnea

    • Motorized wheelchair/scooter

    • IPPB or CPAP machines

    • Respirator (all types)

    • Hemodialysis machine

    • Dialysis machine

    • Iron lungs

    • Nebulizer