Our Goal Is “Glass On Every Roof”

“The utility company’s have been quietly trying to kill the solar industry since the beginning, but the solar industry has always come up with solutions that are better for the environment and give home owners control over their utility cost. Our goal is to install solar energy systems on every home. In other words, glass on every roof.”

~ Mike (Your Solar Guy) Berg, Founder, Pure Powr Pros™

Our Story

In 2004, Mike, also known as "Your Solar Guy," ventured into the solar industry, initially specializing in thermal solar systems, which primarily involved heating swimming pools. As the photovoltaic (PV) solar sector began to emerge, Mike shifted his focus entirely to PV solar systems. Despite the high costs associated with PV technology at that time, it was evident that these systems could yield long-term financial savings. During this period, solar installations were typically financed through cash payments, as financing options were not widely available.

Today Pure Powr Pros™ has over 100 different finance options. One to fit every homeowner’s needs. 

The economic downturn sparked a transformation in the solar industry. Elon Musk and his cousins introduced an innovative approach with their company, SolarCity. They pioneered a model that allowed homeowners to install solar systems with no upfront costs through Lease Back agreements or Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs). This model enabled homeowners to adopt solar energy with zero out-of-pocket expenses, with monthly payments that were lower than their utility bills.

Mike was off and running and hasn’t stopped!

PPAs (Power Purchase Agreements) or Leases had their challenges and in time banks and credit unions started solar loan programs. Now the homeowner owned the system and their payment was ½ of what the utility charged.  

In 2004, a 3’ x 5.5’ solar panel could produce 160 watts of power. Today, a panel of the same size can generate up to 440 watts.

Over the decades many well-meaning innovators have tried to reinvent the solar energy “wheel” with thin film, or painted on solar surfaces but nothing ever has worked like the original PV panels. They have just gotten more efficient year over year.

Building on 20 years of experience, Pure Powr Pros™ can now offer the very best roofs, PV panels, and battery storage solutions in your area.