Copyright Policy

Updated and Effective as of June 1, 2024

By using this website or any products produced by this website that carry the name of this website you agree to the terms and conditions as set out in this document, should you not agree to these conditions then you are not permitted to use, view or interact with this website.

Site Content

The images, information, instructions, and all other material on this website or products produced by employees of this website for this this website or shops of this website are not public domain. All content on the website is fully copyrighted and all rights to the content are reserved. No content may be reproduced in print or electronic format without the written permission from its creator(s).

Personal Use Only

Any downloadable zip, image and pdf files on our site are all designed and created by the site owner and are subject to copyright laws of the United States, where the owner of this website resides. These files may be printed for personal use only and may not be published, reproduced, used, or referred to on any other website, search engine, library, subroutine library, database or in any other printed publication without our written consent.

All content on is the property of the website owner and may not be used for commercial or business use, or redistributed in any way or form unless express permission was given. Whether you have paid for or received such content for free, ALL downloadable and printable content on this website are deemed to be for personal use ONLY and were priced accordingly should you have paid for any such item.

Content Sharing

If you find something on this site that you want to share with someone else, you may provide a link to the full content on a webpage on, do not copy pages or any other documents or images on this website, do not place links directly to the downloadable pdf files or image files on our site, this is strictly forbidden and subject to an indisputable claim as ordered by a court of law in the country where the owner of this site takes residence for an amount of not less than $100,000 should you infringe upon the rights and/or the terms of use of this website.

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